Friday, August 31, 2007

Guys and Dolls

C/O of Pajiba's current five freebies here are mine! The ladies I'd love to be and the men I'd love to love, *sigh*...

1)Audrey Hepburn: Do I really need to justify this one? What girl doesn't want to be Audrey Hepburn, grace, class, beauty, intelligence, not to mention a great acting talent (she was brilliant in the children's hour)I dare you to find an actress in Hollywood today that can even come close to Audrey.

2)Marlon Brando: Marlon Brando > Laurence Olivier (on film anyway). His performances in On the waterfront and Juilus Caesar made me a believer, and damn was he ever fine!

3)Grace Kelley: Are you kidding me? who the hell doesn't want to be a famous movie star AND a princess

4)James Dean: Handsome, talented, the bad boy... uh YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! Too fast to live to young to die

5)Ingrid Bergman: She was a timeless beauty, elegant and talented, oh why, oh why was I not born Ingrid Bergman?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Don't look back, you can never look back

This labour day is the first labour day in about 4 years that I will be spending it with my parents, out in the Canadian wild somewhere, full of townsfolk, bonfires, and lakes. So all I described in the previous post will be experienced once again.

I realized days before, that I haven't been out of the city in ages, and that spending a long weekend with my parents would and could be a good thing. I'm getting older now and I'm no longer just their child anymore and they're no longer just my parents, I want a good adult relationship with my parents. The waves of the after shock of my teenage "rebellion", are getting weaker and weaker, and they're realizing that I'm not the baby anymore, so I just wanted to be able to have a good time with my parents, something which many people can't even fathom. I don't have anybody in the city that I can really spend time with this long weekend, so why not tag along with my parents, where the trip is paid for, and I get to swim in a natural body of water (which I've been longing to do since June).

It should be good clean fun (in the words of my mother)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

House by the sea

So I'm currently listening to Iron & Wine (AKA Sam Beam) and can I say how listening to them (er him) feels like home; like warm honey; like summer road trips where the sun is setting, your window is rolled down and the warm wind is blowing through your hair.

Iron & Wine sounds like all the best things in life!

Iron & Wine is my soundtrack for this school year; when I'm in those libraries that are so quiet its deafening, I'll turn on my ipod and instantly be transported to the summer of 1995, in the back of the car drifting off to sleep dreaming of trees, cool lakes, and fire pits.

I didn't know it at the time but those family road trips were the best times of my life (so far) its going to be very hard for anyone to usurp my family and our good times in the Canadian wild, and Iron & Wine brings me back to those innocent times.

Iron & Wine is! Just is!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

An Update

So today is my former manager's goodbye/baby shower party thing. I've never gone on any staff outings with this job before, so it should be interesting. Why? Well not only do we come from all walks of life but also we're aged 17-50something AND there are certain people I work with that I ummm err I think are totally disgusting (ok, really its just one person) and hate being around them even in the work place so being out in public, basically voluntarily, is going to be VERY interesting...

I think I'm definitely an Anthropologist because sometimes when I look at the situations people get themselves into I know the exact outcome, and when the outcome is exactly how I predicted it, I'm no longer, I think its clear I'm the next Dr. Phil!

PS Sometimes boys are stupid, and they fall for it every time; hook, line and silly, they're just going to end up being gutted and filleted, if they only new (you love the fishing metaphor, don't you?)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I danced to all your folk and soul, I danced to all your fucking soul

"Sailing on a silver ship out to the open lonely and realizing that our friendship's been broken and the funny thing to me is how quickly it slips away and leaves you thinking of the things that were never spoken and you know loving me is not enough and I know future is as future does"

100% damn sure

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Puck Bunny

I don't know if it has anything to do with the hockey culture up here in Canada or what but hockey players are damn fine!!!! I mean there are some hockey players that are hot PERIOD, NO MATTER WHAT (i.e. Vincent Lecavalier, above)!!! And then there are others that make me wonder, that if they were any Joe on the street, would I turn my head? would I quiver? would I fantasize? would I name our brood of 7 (yet to be born) children? would I write Mrs. Nicole Comrie on all my notebooks way back in 2001? WOULD I??? Now its Sidney Crosby; Sid the Kid, the next great one, the boy wonder, the messiah of hockey,etc. etc.

I haven't thought much about Sidney Crosby, I mean I know he's a great hockey player, the highest goal scorer of this past season, maybe he could save hockey...maybe, whatever saving hockey means(???). I never used to think he was OMG SO HOT, like I did/do Lecavalier(sigh). I remember just being angry at the hockey community for being assholes and putting so much pressure on this, well, kid (we're the same age you know!). And thus I boycotted the 'Crosby is the next great one' train, because if he were to crash and burn I wouldn't be responsible. So there hasn't been any Sidney Crosby on my Puck Bunny radar...that is until May of this year.

I was sitting in the 50s style dinner with a group of friends, eating grilled cheese, drinking my milkshake, and listening to Bobby Vinton. There were TVs all over the place, and its playoff season, and its Canada so of course hockey was on. All I remember is that I wanted Anaheim to win and they didn't (The mighty ducks movies defined my childhood and our street hockey games, so it meant something), so I look up at the television and who do I see? The hottest French Canadian since le bonhomme de neige, mon ami Vincent Lecavalier. I was completely mesmerized because he was in a suit and his hair was combed and he was so damn HOT! Then came Sidney Crosby, oh my god Sidney Crosby! He was also in a suit, his hair was also combed, and fuck he was DA-UM FIONE!!!!!!!! Not only did he meet everyone's expectations but her surpassed them! He brought the Pinguinos to the playoffs, he was the highest goal scorer of the season, he was also apparently a bitch and dived all the time, BUT his hair was combed and he was in a suit, and he was looking FIONE!

So now that Sidney is hot (in a typical but awkward hockey player sort of way, and has the most nervous laugh LIKE EVER, and his voice is so soothing in that typical canuck accent sort of way, he has a great strong hockey player body, that could lift me up and throw me around if he wanted to, and I'm convinced he's good in bed!) its Sidney all the time, its Sidney Patrick Crosby in my dreams, sigh! Our birthdays are 3 weeks apart! bet'cha didn't know that!

BUT back to my original point, not even if he weren't "Sid the kid", what if he was just some dude from Nova Scotia, who didn't play hockey, like at all, (because I get turned on by even house league players, ugh I'm so affected by my environment...) would I still find him hot? would I still want to get it on? I mean he's attractive in his own right, I just ignored him because of the pressure that was put on him, but now that I know success comes easy to Sidney, I can pay attention to him BUT what if he were successful at school or something normal, would I still want his lips to be everywhere (is that too much information?)???

Oh, these tough philosophical questions that I must wrestle...

Did I mention bitch is 20 and has like ZERO neck, LOVE IT!!!!!!

PS I saw my friend's boyfriend on the train the other day, I know who he is (b/c of facebook) but he doesn't know who I am anyways DUDE was totally checking me out, wtf is that all about, whatevs, I'm sure it was nothing...err NOT

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Armchair Philosopher

I was watching this documentary yesterday called, White Light, Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and it was so hard to watch. It made me so angry and so incredibly sad. Whatever your thoughts about the attacks on Pearly Harbor, you can't deny that nuking two cities filled with civilians just wasn't the proper reaction for attacking a military base; the rules of war just disappeared that day. The footage in this documentary was disturbing, to put it lightly, innocent men, women, and children, with charred faces and bodies, some lost their entire faces their skin just melted over the mouths, noses, and eyes. One boy's mouth was just eaten away, all you saw was a hole in his face and teeth peering out. One lady told of how her father cut her face off because it was black, so he took a knife,cut around her face and just peeled it off. Gruesome stuff I know, but these things you have to know, we need to stop fooling ourselves into thinking the world is this shiny happy beacon of light pulsing throughout the universe, quite the contrary actually!

After watching the heartbreaking documentary, I thought to myself: "Maybe the Decepticons should have won..."