Thursday, August 23, 2007

An Update

So today is my former manager's goodbye/baby shower party thing. I've never gone on any staff outings with this job before, so it should be interesting. Why? Well not only do we come from all walks of life but also we're aged 17-50something AND there are certain people I work with that I ummm err I think are totally disgusting (ok, really its just one person) and hate being around them even in the work place so being out in public, basically voluntarily, is going to be VERY interesting...

I think I'm definitely an Anthropologist because sometimes when I look at the situations people get themselves into I know the exact outcome, and when the outcome is exactly how I predicted it, I'm no longer, I think its clear I'm the next Dr. Phil!

PS Sometimes boys are stupid, and they fall for it every time; hook, line and silly, they're just going to end up being gutted and filleted, if they only new (you love the fishing metaphor, don't you?)

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