I have now edited this post twice since first writing it, which makes sense since when I started Death of a Trend I had no real plan as to what it was going to be about and even today I'm pretty much shooting in the dark, posting whatever I feel like posting.
Here's the DL, Kate, Frankie and I are the authors of this blog. We post about whatever our hearts or our moods desire you may enjoy it you may not but that's entirely up to you. Everything that is written on this blog is light-hearted, fun, with a sprinkling of fan girl, and a bit of snark if you're taking it too seriously, then you're doing it wrong.
When it comes to athletes, musicians, other famous people there is a line we won't cross, which includes any kind of information or documentation that is deemed private, like Jordan Staal's drunken facebook photos or Dany Heatley's phone number ('cause I would totally be selfish and keep that for myself), its just not cool and no matter how much we build them up for arena glory they're still real people.

In the words of Ja'mie King "Not to be a bitch or anything..."
Please don't harass us ~*Internet drama*~ is lame! No trolling or spam, its annoying! This is a blog-tatorship not a blog-ocracy. You're entitled to your opinion but we don't have to hear about it, so if you're being a douchewaffle don't be surprised if your comment isn't approved or your email replied to.
Also our opinions of people/places/things can and will change, try and keep up. If we do a 180 on a particular subject don't get mad its only the Internet.
Also typos happen, don't be a grammar Nazi, life's too short, relax, have a cup of tea.
I promised myself that if I were to get any hate mail I would post it, I haven't gotten any so far but if I do I will post it. So for any of you who feel the need to make ignorant, rude, and intelligible remarks (all haters seem to be illiterate from what I've seen), maybe you should save your hate for AIDS or Genocide or Pedophiles, instead of three young women having some harmless fun.
All comments are screened, as in I approve them before they are posted. With the exception of a few passive aggressive, pretentious comments, you guys have been lovely and hilarious. I opened up commenting to everyone rather recently, so if you don't have a google account but feel compelled to make a remark about the length of Tom Croft's shorts, you now can.
Hope you all enjoy reading our posts we're having fun and you should have fun, and I really don't want to deal with this EVER:
and we do appreciate your comments. Yes I will accept 'the leafs suck' comments...because its true!
I have noticed that many people have found this blog by typing in --->insert althete's name here<---'s girlfriend. Just so you all know I will NOT post about players girlfriends or boyfriends, if they are not famous or fame whores. If Tom Croft, or AWJ, or Sidney Crosby is dating a regular girl who's going to school, or has a career then I really don't feel comfortable posting about them. The only time I would ever post about girlfriends who are normal, regular girls, is if they attend an event, like an award's ceremony with their man, and even then don't expect snarky commentary, I just won't do it.
However if their significant other is famous or wants to be famous then don't be shocked if we do post about them but even then, unless she or he has done something horrendously bad, we will not post hateful or rude remarks. Let's reserve that for Chris Pronger and James Haskell, shall we?
So you can decipher what I'm trying to say

Sears Catalogue - cheesy and awkward in front of the camera, see sears catalogue
My Delinquent Little Brother - The Toronto Maple Leafs; I love the leafs because they're my home team but I kind of hate them because they suck, kind of like an unwanted little brother, you have to love them but if they weren't your brother, it'd be over!
Bitch, please! - a sarcastic remark usually said after a lengthly argument; the R rated version of 'yeah right'
Hotness - someone or something that exudes desire and lust
Straight up -honestly; truthfully; unquestionable
PUH-LEEZE - pronounced the same as please; an ironic statement to express ones disbelief towards a situation or person.
Methinks - meaning 'seems to me'
~*(insert word here)*~ - used to emphasize a word or concept, done in a mocking way.
Hot Mess - Someone or Something that is such a mess... the level of it, is off of the charts. It's past pathetic, past pitiful. It's to the point you almost have to walk away to keep from bustin a gut. Hot messes can exist in levels. source
Aha Shake Heartbreak - [1] Kings of Leon's best album to date; one of the best albums to date; [2] When you're at home and you want to be on the road and when you're on the road you want to be home; [3] great sadness, grief, or anguish
...additions, editions, to come.
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