Sunday, November 11, 2007

His Royal Highness King Douche Bag

My boys the sens beat mes amis the Canadiens, 3-1, both teams close to my heart so for me it was a win/win situation. For a while there it looked like mes amis were going to win this one but my boys brought it late in the 3rd period and captured the win. Even though the score was 3-1 it was acutally a pretty close game, very face paced, and very entertaining! Despite the fact that both teams hold a special place in my cold black heart, I was kind of leaning towards mes amis but like I said I'm happy either way.


Last night the bitches in blue played the New York Rangers, and I was sorta, kinda hoping that the bitches would kick some Ranger ass...there I said it!

YES I wanted the bitches to win! why?

Well first of all I don't hate the leafs, I love them like you'd love a delinquent little brother: they're annoying; you always fight; they steal your money and never return it; they're always breaking promises; they're failing; they make your dad drink more beer; they make your mother cry but at the end of the day you still love them and would still let them live in your basement when they're single, 35, and jobless.

I do love the leafs and on occasion will hope that they capture a win or two (depending on the team they're playing) and last night was one of those occasions, why? Two words: Sean. Avery.

Sean, Sean, Sean, Sean! The poster child for hockey douche baggerey and the king of misogynistic, idiotic, classless, frat boy mentality. Look up douche bag in the dictionary I guarantee Sean Avery is the definition. Not even the presence of a Staal brother could change the way I look at the Rangers; Avery taints every team he touches, and thus the rangers are blacklisted, until king douche gets traded or suffers a career ending injury.

Sorry Marc, I'm taking a moral stance on this one! PS quit hitting on Crosby, that bitch is mine!

Rangers? uh NO!

So as per usual Avery starts shit, during warm up. Tucker gets all loco and unleashed his crazy eyes on king douche! This of course gets carried on into the game, etc. etc. If you've ever watch Avery play you know how it goes down
Yea Tucker! Fuck him up!

Unfortunately the Rangers ended up winning in shoot outs, which really broke my heart because I really wanted Avery to get merkked one way or another AND for once I agreed with Don Cherry, why didn't they suit up Belak when they knew Avery was playing? I know you shouldn't play into that sort of strategy because I'm sure no one acquires a player like Avery because he's super talented (even though he is sort of good, ew I can't believe I just said that) but you know Belak would have murdered Avery, and that punk ass bitch would be off his game all night because of it.

Sorry my hatred for king douche runs deep, for obvious reasons, but the main one being I'm like 100% convinced the shit he says to players has got to be really bad because if you're playing someone like Avery you know he's there to talk trash; and knowing that you'd try to rise above it, play, and not let him get into your head, so I doubt someone's going to loose their shit over "hey Tucker, my mom plays better than you!", you know what I mean?

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