Monday, November 12, 2007

Ray Emery <3's Sean Avery

...ok not really, watch this video!

Love it when asked if they were friends off the ice Emery gives a condescending look and Avery does that whole act that guys do when in the presence of another guy whom they know is cooler than them. CLEARLY Tim Deegan does not watch hockey or else he would have never asked that question, even dudes on his own team hate him!!!!

Sean "La Douche" Avery : "yea we're like totally friends, right Ray? He's on speed dial you know! I call him like every day! Right Ray? He never picks up but I like always leave messages! He never calls back but he's like really busy because he's the goalie of the best team in the league and he has lots to do, right Ray? One time we were at this charity golf game, OH MY GOD, get this, when he passed by me on his golf cart I like totally waved at him, remember that Ray? Remember how I waved? I know, good times, good times! I love your shoes Ray where'd you get them? I want to buy the exact same pair, and we can be like twins or something, like the Staal brothers but cooler, even though none of them are twins but you know what I mean! Right Ray? So if you ever want to hang out some time just you know call me back, do you have my number? I'll give it to you, and whenever you come to New York to play the Rangers you can come stay with me, don't worry I'll sleep on the couch you can have my bed. Ok Ray? You're my best friend right, Ray? Ray? I love you! RAY?"

Ray "Big Pimp" Emery: Sorry Sean gotta go, Elisha's waiting up for me. You know she said the weirdest thing to me the other day when we were lying in my bed naked, she said that I was the only real man she's ever been with. Anyways she was telling me what a good lay I was and how I do crazy shit like listen to her and pick her up from the airport. She also told me that she appreciates how I don't tell her that she needs to go on a diet and should spend more time at the gym, I don't know where she got an idea like that from because man, girl is HOT! Oh she also loves how I don't cry after sex, calling for my mommy, seriously where does she get this from? Hey didn't you two to go out at some point? Anyways, I gotta bounce! Good luck with that clothes rack troll of yours oh and uh go fuck yourself Avery!"

Emery's totally full of himself but I still love him and yea I'd hit it!

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