Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Is that it?

Sean Avery is the scum of the earth! I know it! You know it! Fuck even the toothless goat herder in Mongolia knows it!

Hey you punk ass bitch, get away from Toskala!

Remember November 10th? ACC? Rangers vs. The Leafs? Everyone's mom (including Avery's) in the crowd? Remember how Avery tried to start shit with Jason Blake but Tucker stepped in to defend his team mate? Well word on the street is, Sean Avery, the epitome of class and sportsmanship, mentioned something about Jason Blake's cancer...


There are just somethings you don't mess with: people's kids, death, illness, AND A GUY WHO'S BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH CANCER AND STILL HAS THE STRENGTH AND WILL TO CARRY ON IN A PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE! Of course La Douche denied saying anything about Blake's condition, but like I said in this post you don't loose your shit over "you suck balls, Tucker!!!!"

Well the NHL investigated because there are trash talkers and then there's Sean Avery, who allegedly made racist remarks toward African-Canadian and French-Canadian players in the past, so maybe they figured the last thing the NHL needs is bad press (because, man, are they ever pushing hockey haaaaaaard South of the boarder).

Avery was fined $2500 (pennies even for the most mediocre of pro hockey players), the rangers were fined $25 000 (again pennies to a major sports club but like any business, I'm sure they weren't happy about it). Tucker was fined $1000 (AKA his kids' weekly allowance), and the Leafs were fined $10 000 (the amount they spend on toilet paper).

A fine? A fine for the guy who starts shit all the time? And not the first time its been controversial, offensive, and disrespectful?

bitch please!!!

I'm not fully convinced on this whole God business but I do believe in the laws of the universe and the basic law of physics: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so when Darcy Tucker said: "He is what he is. He'll have a comeback for everything" Am I ever a believer!!!!

Sean Avery??? MERKKED in the not so distant future!

PS You know its bad when Darcy Tucker comes out looking like the good guy!

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