Monday, June 22, 2009


I wouldn't say that I am a shallow person, per se. I was brought up to have strong opinions and my mother came from a time and place where women were ladies, and always put together, so that does have an affect on me. I wouldn't say that I'm this prissy girly girl because I love my track pants but sometimes, arbitrary opinions spring up into my mind that are sometimes cruel and always blunt. So, when I saw this photo I threw up in my mouth a little bit. Now I don't know if that's because I'm feeling a little queezey this morning or if its because Mike Comrie is friggin' disgusting OR if its a combination of the two.

I haven't posted about these two in a while but I've been saying this forever ~*Hil*~ is waaay too good for this douche bag.

Forget the black on black, forget the unfortunate footwear; look at that face, the receding hairline, his extreme paleness which is borderline transparent, his unsophisticated gait. Pair that with the rumours circa 2007, of coke fueled parties in Ottawa, f*cking Elisha Cuthbert, and any puck bunny with an orange tan and fake tits, AND his mediocre hockey skills.

Now tell me, do you think they make a good couple? Do you think he's good enough for her?

I mean look at that picture, his face is melting, its f*cking MELTING. Plus he's a pro athlete what's with the bloat, Comire? Ugh, he is so not attractive in anyway, shape, or form.

PS Has anyone else noticed that ~*Hil's*~ hotness has seriously taken a nose dive since she's been with him.? Single ~*Hil*~ was the hottest ~*Hil*~.

PPS But his dad's mega rich, so I suppose no matter that he looks like an overweight, balding, hick who fixes septic tanks, she'll probably stay with him because he can afford to buy her $100 000 cars. Damn, the women's movement, where did we go wrong?

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