Monday, June 22, 2009

Did You Watch The Trainwreck That Was The NHL Awards?

Observations I hope the NHL made during the horridly embarssing NHL Awards:

-Hockey players can't read, don't have personalities (save Alexander Ovechkin)

-Award shows are about the show not the awards. Should have invited Lindsay Lohan, doubt she was busy

-Fill the stands with fans and your superstar players. No matter that Vinny Lecavalier was not nominated, he should be there to at least present, I mean no one came to see Mike Green, just being honest. AND why wasn't hockey Jesus there? Did he not fulfill the prophecy? Why was he not there showering us with his giggles?

-We can all see the brown on your nose from kissing Jerry Jerry Bruckheimer ass. Phoenix Coyotes, will not become the Hamilton Coyotes but the Las Vegas Coyotes, mark my words!

-What was with the zooming in on the hockey WAGs? Unnecessary, unless its Cheryl Cole, if not then I'm not interested

-Should have invited the 90210 kids, they like hockey

-Keep JR around for as long as possible

-The average hockey fan doesn't listen to Shaka Khan or Michael Buble (srsly wtf), I'm sure Kid Rock would have showed up if you promised free beer.

-This year's entire award show was a disgrace to the Legend Jean Beliveau!

-Only Gary Betteman and Co. Could make Vegas Boring.

-Tricia Helfer should host the awards next year!

-Have the awards in a hockey market, why not New York? You'd get the quasi celebrities AND die hard hockey fans. I mean Vegas, there's no ice in Vegas! Do they even know what hockey is????

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