90210, the next generation, is a trainwreck of a show.
The acting: horrible.
The writing: horrible.
The characters (with the exception of Dixon, Silver and Grandma): horrible
The dialogue: horrible.
The storylines: horrible.
The clothes, oh my god the clothes: HORRIBLE.
This show is a hot mess, and not in a good way. But despite the horribleness of this show these twats are everywhere. They get invited everywhere! Premieres, fashion shows, store openings, promotion parties, etc. etc. etc. And apparently hockey games are not exempt from extending such invitations.
Its totally a smart move on part of the Los Angeles Kings, to get a bunch of famous twats (I must note that Dixon and Silver are not included in the twat category) at their hockey games, the paps will take pictures, the picture will end up on some gossip site, thousands, possibly even millions of people will see said pictures, and maybe it will promt some of those people to go see an LA King game or two.
I'm not from LA but I'm pretty sure the tickets aren't a million dollars for the nosebleed section like it is in Toronto but I could be wrong...though I doubt that I am. So making an impromptu visit to an LA Kings game isn't implausible, is it? So this is good advertising, the NHL needs more of this and less of this
PS Even though this show is a train wreck and won't make it past the second season, I think its cute that they all hang out together, whether its staged or not, its still cute
*I don't think I've ever posted this much in one day but there's so much I want to post and I don't want to forget it (which often happens when I put off posting things), I do have a life believe me!
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