Friday, June 19, 2009

Lions and The Ocean

Tom wasn't alone in his topless, wetness, other lions were there as well and Riki Flutey surfs! Yey for more hot, hard, wet bodies...when did my blog make that pornographic turn? Oh well, let's get to it!

David Wallace gives a thumbs up to the Indian Ocean

We give David Wallace a thumbs up for being in short, white, wet, swimming trunks. Why couldn't Tom Croft wear these shorts? WHY?

Riki Flutey Surfs?!?!?!?!?! He's just moved up another 5 levels. Watch your back Rick Nash, Riki's breathing down your neck!

Tommy Bowe also dons the short white swimming trunks. Again, why not, Tom? Why not?

Here's Mr.Perfect!

nom nom nom

Jamie looks a little confuzzled

Now he's having a good time...Flutely probably wiped out!

Mmmm full body shot

Why yes Jamie Roberts, we are spying on you!

Alright girls and boys its time we fanned ourselves and cooled off. What a nice treat for the end of the week, eh? The boys have their first Test against the Springbok's tomorrow (or is it today over there already?) I, of course, am supporting my dear bokka, don't let me down boys, don't let me down!

...Sorry Tom.

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