Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ryan Getzlaf has a House, is Lame

Here's the video because I can't embed it and I'm not bothering with html today VIDEO

His house? Ain't all that.

His car? How typical.

Not even Cabbie's quick wit can make Getzlaf likable, he's just...like a a cinder block, you know?

I mean my dearest Sidney Crosby maybe a block of wood but at least wood's organic and can be used for furniture, art, your backyard deck but cinder blocks?

Cinder blocks are used for the foundation of your house and used in the walls of maximum security prisons. That's Ryan Getzlaf, grey, boring, bulky, and not worth a second glance. Sure he's a good hockey player (I guess) but do you really care about Ryan Getzlaf? Is his poster going to be on your wall? Would you buy that energy drink just because he endorses it? No, no and no!

UGH and those sunglasses he wears, they're so 1999, WHY?

but Getzlaf does have one thing going for him, he's got nice eyebrows...

I just thought we should end it on a positive, okay?

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