Thursday, November 13, 2008

SPOTTED: B on the cover of W

Even though Tyra would ask "WHERE IS YO' NECK GIRL??????" its still a W cover. Not an US weekly cover but a W cover. A quality fashion magazine, up there with Vogue and Harpar's Bazzar, they're like the holy trinity of fashion magazines.

Blake Lively, who I think is one of the hottest girls this side of the pond, is actually relatively new to celebrity. Her first project was the first Traveling Pants movie back in 2005 and 3 years later is all over New York fashion week and is gracing the cover of W magazine.

I don't know if a certain someone is realizing that she is on her way out and that she would have to work fast to make the transition from annoying tween star to mediocre adult actress...because Blake's on the cover of W, Lindsay's been on the cover of Vanity Fair, Kiera was on the cover of Vogue (twice I believe), Miley was invited to the Oscars, and Dakota is owning you in acting.

All I'm saying is, "Shia LaBeouf" and we'll leave it at that...

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