Monday, April 14, 2008

Rick Nash Is The Boy Next Door

Ok so maybe I was a little bit harsh on Rick Nash with this post. I now stand corrected. Rick is no douche bag, Rick is the boy next door! Sweet, adorable, personable, inexplicably irresistible, AND in the summer he mows the lawn with no shirt on, WOO! I know if I ever meet him (which is like entirely possible because he lives in Toronto in the off season...OMG HE'S HERE!!!!!) it would be non-stop giggling and blushing, kind of like when I met Serge from Kasabian.

Ugh I can picture it now, me, 5'1, approaching Rick Nash, 6'4: "excuse me Rick... eheheheheheh...I um...hehehehehe...think you're amazing...hehehehehe...would you sign this napkin for me...hehehehehehe...its not for me, its for my um aheh brother...hehehehehe"

Oh god! I'm mortified just thinking about it.

Too bad Columbus didn't make the playoffs, I thought they would but alas 'twas not meant to be...but how amazing would it be, Stanley Cup Finals: Columbus vs. Washington, CAN YOU STAND IT???????

Sorry, its in my nature to cheer for the underdogs, POWER TO THE PEOPLE, BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!

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