Monday, April 14, 2008


Rick Nash has just usurped Sidney Crosby's position of husband no. 5, making Crosby husband no. 6!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry darling, you've been loosing it lately, I know, I know you're in the playoffs right now and don't have time to drive me to my yoga classes, my booster juice dates with my friends, or secret sales at Aritzia but you know that you have to earn my love!

Remember what happened to fellow husband Caleb Followill? Don't think because you're the Lord and Savoir of hockey means you're exempt from such punishments. If Lord Stanley comes before me, that's ok I respect and understand that, but don't think you'll be number one if I'm not number one...we'll talk in June ;)

...apparently its Rick Nash week here on 'Death of a Trend'

*sigh* isn't Rick the dreamiest?

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