Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The End Is Near Here

Dany Heatley, reminds Sidney Crosby, of the husband hierarchy in my household...even when the Pens are totally merkking the Sens

I don't know if you've noticed but I've remained mum on the Ottawa/Pittsburgh series, for obvious reasons. Well tonight is game 4 and its 3-0, for Pittsburgh. Only twice in NHL history has a team come back from 3-0 losses to take the series, one of those teams being the Toronto Maple Leafs back when they were good, 10 million years ago.

But let's be realistic shall we?

Ottawa is not going to win tonight, it just isn't going to happen! Even though they are essentially the same team they were last year when they faced the Pens, who are essentially the same team they were last year (Marian Hossa, hasn't really made a dent, HONESTLY!), they are not going to win tonight, or come back from 3-0, to take the series, let's be honest with ourselves!

Would I like them to win? YES! Are they going to win? NO! The Pens have become too good and too powerful and the Sens have...I actually have no fucking clue what happened to the Sens.

Its ok Dany, we can get drunk, listen to emo music, cry, gorge ourselves on ice cream, and yell at the television when, husband no. 6, Sidney Crosby raises The Cup...

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