Thursday, April 10, 2008

Waxin' Idiotic

So I was just thinking today about the different teams playing in the playoffs and who would probably loose the first round *cough* Boston *cough*, then I started thinking about all the superstars playing in the playoffs (ie Peter Forsberg), then I started thinking about who I'd like to make the Stanely Cup finals, the East vs West Game. Now clearly you would assume either Pittsburgh or Ottawa right? Because both teams I hold close to my heart, right? Actually I don't want either team to make the finals...I mean I'd totally be stoked if they did make it to game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals but I really, really, really, want Washington to make it!!!
Why? Two words: Alexander.Ovechkin.

I know, I know, I'm like the only Canadian that doesn't want Crosby to win the cup, and it kind contradicts all my sarcasm, and all my insane posts about how he's my fifth husband etc. etc. but admit it, if Crosby won the cup, it would be boring, expected; remember when he scored on Ryan Miller in the Winter Classic game, I was TOOOOOOOOTALLY stoked but after my 5 minutes of joy passed I was like "So Sidney Corosby scored again and won the game...oh..."

Its not shocking or exciting when Crosby does something great because: a)Of COURSE he could accomplish all these things, he's THAT good; and b)he's kind of boring, like no personality at all! He's all screaming and jumping up and down on the ice, hugging it out with his teammates but then when interviewed, he reverts back into robot mode...BORING!!!!!

Alexander Ovechkin is anything but boring. He's electric on the ice and electric off the ice. Ovechkin's more up to the task of being a superstar than Crosby is. Homeboy can hardily speak English and yet he gives the best pre/post-game interviews LIKE EVER! Plus Ovechkin is a one man team, he scores, he assists, he checks, he fights, he deeks, he heals the sick, and he brings back people from the dead. I know its the law that if you love Crosby then you HAVE to hate Ovechkin but srsly watch a Caps game, watch Ovechkin, have you seen anyone move like him, he's fucking amazing!!! This season, I repeat THIS SEASON, Ovechkin is ahead of Crosby by like miles.

I know, what some will probably say, that Pittsburgh is one of the top teams in the league and yea I totally agree, they're amazing BUT Washington made the playoffs because of one man: Ovechkin. The question is can he take them all they way? If they win the cup, it will be the ultimate Cinderella story!!!!

I think Crosby an amazing player and I admire his dedication and what he brings to the game but he just doesn't have that 'X' factor that Ovechkin has, ya know? And I just think it would be an awesome shake up if the 'Little Engine That Could' AKA Washington, went all the way, wouldn't that just totally blow your mind??????

PS He was Pierre McGuire's Monster Player of the Year! Sidney didn't even make the All-Monster team, I'm just saying...

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