Wednesday, December 05, 2007


It's no secret that I loathe Sean Avery, I've talked about this on several occasions most notably when he allegedly made comments about Jason Blake's cancer. No one knows for sure what he said, all we do know is that it was bad, real bad...but of course it was bad this is King Douche we're talking about, ugh I wonder how many date rapes he has under his belt...

I can't even like Elisha Cuthbert now, because, not only does she put up with that disease infested waste of space heiress skank but she boinked Avery for over two years! She must have gotten a lobotomy after her stint on Popular Mechanics For Kids or something, that's the only logicial explanation I can come up with. ANYWAYS my good, and ever reliable friend, karma, decided to step in and knock King Douche off his johnny-on-the-spot throne (if only for a night) NY DAILY NEWS:

"The New York Rangers celebrated their 5-2 victory over the Ottawa Senators Saturday night at Bungalow 8, where injured forward Sean Avery showed up with a sling on one hand and black nail polish on the other. The Blueshirts had originally hit up Buddha Bar but were denied entrance. "F- this place! We're never coming here again!" screamed the Rangers' flack when the bouncer said he didn't know or care who the hometown heroes were. Guess he's an Isles fan!"




OMG! if my boyfriend, Marc [Staal] was with them and he was denied...oh, me and that bouncer WILL have words!

ANYWAYS, back to my main point, King Douche got D-NIED!!!!!!!!!! Who are these people that work at Buddha Bar???? I have to send them some kind of award, or cupcakes at the very least because, HAAAAAAAAAAA!!! You're just some douche from pickering Avery, NEVER forget that because apparently the bouncers in New York haven't!

PS how is he one of peoples 50 hottest guys? who's in charge of that shit? Avery's mom? (who by the way is a very nice lady, how she raised such a douche is beyond me, Mrs. Avery, I'll send you flowers on mother's day!!!!)

PPS Marc I'm kind of in love with you! (don't tell Sidney...or Jordo!)

PPPS VESA TOSKALA IS NHLPA'S PLAYER OF THE DAY, visit the site and drool over his deer in the headlights photo and dream up all the shopping sprees you can with his compensation. I've never been to Finland, Vesa just, must take me this summer! Oh how I love being Poylandric!

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