Sunday, October 14, 2007

Rock 'em Sock 'em 87

Yeah Sidney!!! Kick His Ass!!!

Yesterday the bitches in blue lost to my boys, the pens 6-4. But I must admit they weren't horrible; they kept up with the pens for the most part. The one thing that the pens have that the bitches in blue don't have is synergy. They work well together, beautiful passes, someone's always there, ALWAYS, proven by the fact that the pens had about 30 more shots on net than the bitches in blue, which is sort of shameful, especially when its on home ice. However, the fact of the matter is, the penguins won, and Sidney AKA husband number 5, scored his first two goals of the season in my home town, clearly were meant to be...NOT! lol

I love how when Sidney was kicking Antropov's ass, these two teenaged girls directly behind them on the other side of the glass, started jumping up and down, squeeing and banging on the glass. I L.O.L.'ed. Sidney of course ignored them(or maybe he was just preoccupied with giving someone a beat down). Silly girls, don't they know the sex stare is much more effective, pfffftt amateurs!!!!! But I must say seeing him fight really put him over the top, this whole time I was convinced he was this pansy, but now Sidney is a man, SID THE KID IS A MAN!!!!!!!!!

You know who else is a man? My favourite Staal brother, Jordan!!! AND damn is he ever a good player! I'm convinced that if we ever met in real life we'd totally be like BFF and we'd totally drink Colby Armstrong under the table...yea I'm totally a loser and entertained such thoughts, WHATEVS!!!!!!!! I'm cool, you want me on your team, don't deny it!

PS don't worry this won't become a hockey blog. Hockey is my only form of entertainment whilst I'm locked up doing my readings and shit. But don't you worry accounts from the high drama that is my life will continue!

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