Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Watch this video, its of husband number 5, Sidney Crosby:

So Jason Blake spears him, not big deal BUT my homeboy Sid not only falls down but falls down and curls up as if someone merked him in the balls but then gets up and starts trash talking Blake. The whole time Blake has this confuzzeled look on his face as if he doesn't know what to make of Sidney using so many expletives (maybe Blake agrees with me that a boy with such pretty eyes as Sidney can only whisper sweet nothings). My homeboy gets what seems to be a 5 second penalty, and when leaving the 'sin bin' (oooo) Sidney repeats about 3 times to Blake 'YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!'

...I dunno about you but I'm turned on! Sidney is slowly moving his way up, soon he will usurp Dany Heatley's position of 'hockey player manly man that makes me feel like a poor innocent country girl who needs and wants to be taken advantage of again and again'...AHEM because not only is he an insane player, but you know Heater will go bat shit crazy on a bitch if need be, and for some reason me likey! However, I'm like 100% sure Heater's a huge douche bag, ugh another case of the Stephen Dorff syndrome...don't ask!

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