Friday, October 19, 2007

Remember how you made me crazy?

This photo is tres homoquestionable, non? Especailly the way Markus Naslund's (Canuck's El Capitaneo) hand is positioned. Oh and I'm pretty sure Vesa Toskala(leafs goalie) and Markus Naslund are the exact same person!

Speaking of the bitches in blue, they finally won! In the last 27.8 seconds of the came Antripov scored(with a beautiful assist from Kaberle). I'm not going to lie it was a beautiful goal AND I'm glad that they won. But before you call the engravers and tell them to get ready to carve the bitches in blue names in Lord Stanley's cup, you have to remember this is the Toronto Maple Leafs we're talking about. They have 'flash in the pan' moments where they look like a good strong team, and playoff contenders but then you watch game after game after game where about 95% of the time they suck HARD! The bitches in blue just can't cut it!

Ok for serious, this will not become a hockey blog!!!

ummmmm...errr...uhhh...I'M GOING OUT THIS WEEKEND! Yes I am going out this weekend with my good friend Alice, whom I have not seen since V-fest. We're going out for Japanese food and sake! Woot! and then the next day I'm working (argh!) then I'm coming home and conking out till Monday!

My life has consisted of Me and my readings spending a lot of time together...and let me tell you medical journals do not put out!

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