Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Wade Redden of the Ottawa Senators, showing Darcy Tucker, who's the bitch! L.O.L.

Here in Toronto people are crazy about their hockey, more specifically the leafs. I get the whole wanting to support your own and the leafs are an institution, part of the original six, THE franchise (which is debatable) but they beyond SUCK!!! Last year those bitches in blue didn't even make the playoffs! and the last time we won the cup, 1967, that's forty years ago, that's me times two!!!

Now people can lament that I'm not a real leaf fan and only a banwagon jumper, ready to hop aboard that train when they, god forbid, actually start playing hockey. Well here's what I have to say to that: Leafs Inc. is probably one of the richest clubs, if not the richest club, in the NHL and yet the bitches in blue can't perform, the coaches can't strategize, and mangement can't get players that makes sweet hockey plays together??? BITCH PLEASE!!!! AND they're fucking capitalists fascists! Do you know how much tickets are for the ACC??? That is of course if you can even get tickets because, even though they suck balls games still sell out. So I ask thee this, how is a girl who is putting herself through university supposed to afford a ticket worth over $80 for the worst seats in the house???? Yea you heard me $80 for the WORST SEATS IN THE HOUSE!!!!! just to see them loose. Are you kidding me? Greedy fuckers!!!

My teams are the Sens(Alfie, Spez, and Heater are a force to be reckoned with!), the Pens (a young team, with Jesus as their captain and my favourite Staal brother) and the Canadiens (because that is what you call an institution!!!!).

Oh and the bitches in blue played Carolina yesterday, and in between gossip girl, I watched them get murdered!!!!!! How bad was it??? 7-1, Carolina, the 7th goal made by my second favourite Staal brother, Eric!!!!

Yea so, are the leafs still going to win the cup this year? Methinks not!

PS How good is interpol's new album???? Favourite track right now is wrecking ball! Yea I know I'm a few months behind, don't hate!

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