Tuesday, October 09, 2007

"I'd rather be with your friends,mate, because they are much fitter!"

and I thought I was bad??? Dude, I think its time to move on!

Sure your girlfriend broke up with you then 3 weeks later starts "macking" the guy that every girl had a crush on, and of course since bitch is hot he macks back and it looks like they'd start dating. I get it, you were/are obsessed; completely and utterely infatuated; grossly dependent on her; so your heart was breaking because a)she broke up with you and b)she moved on so quickly but then one night y'all got drunk, got into a HUGE fight, but then ended up going home together.

So with pressures from well, YOU, she ended it with Mr. hot stuff, and you guys got sucked into the blackhole,vacuum, roller coaster that is your relationship, and started sniffing coke off of strippers asses again...ok I added the last part

However, you've got the girl...again! Even Mr. hot stuff got himself a nice girlfriend, so why so bitter??? Why is everytime we talk you have to mention his fashion faux pas, I get it he can't dress, I also get that he's terrified of you, SO FOR FUCK'S SAKE YOU GOT THE GIRL SHE'S YOURS FOREVER AND ALWAYS!!!! Just because he was her amusement for about 5 minutes doesn't mean you have to continue the trash talking! Its been a year since they did, whatever they did! She loves you not him! MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!

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