Friday, October 26, 2007

Jesus Saves...He shoots, HE SCORES!!!!

We've discussed my puck bunny ways on many occasions, in fact if you haven't noticed, my blog has been overflowing with hockey commentary. Scary, I know but still I maintain, this will not become a hockey blog! I have my teams (i.e. The Ottawa Senators), my players (i.e. Heater, Crosby, the Staal brothers) but there are other players which I admire for various different reasons i.e. Matt Greene of the Edmonton Oilers for being dumb as rocks; or Joe Sakic of the Colorado Avalanche for being a legend (and I sort of want him to be my dad); or Alexander Ovechkin for his charisma, his talent, and his comic relief. But there is one player that I'm fascinated by to no end and his name is Mike Fisher of the Ottawa Senators...

There are so many reasons why I should not be into Fish:

a) he owns a bajillion graphic tees
b) he wears Docle and Gabana sunglasses (and other types of gino-esque eyewear)
c) the suits he wears are kinda cheesy and kinda 'nouveau riche'
d) he listens to Garth Brooks(gag!) and Creed(double gag!)
e) he's a devout Christian, like him and JC are hella tight: exhibit A

Now if you've read my blog before you know that I'm having a little trouble with the mega institution that is Christianity. I don't get the dogma, the inconsistencies, and the subtle intolerances which many Christians refuse to acknowledge but let's not get into that! Let's get into Mike Fisher being a Christian golden boy and how I'm strangely attracted to him!

SO many strikes against him, the main ones being he listens to creed and the worst country music ever! But really makes me swoon over fish is the fact that he is a nice guy! like genuinely nice guy! You can tell from interviews that he's a really sweet person with a good heart AND to top it all off he's a hockey the NHL!!!!! AKA Douche Bags Inc. I still don't understand how that's even possible and yet Mike Fisher exists!

Oh did I mention his kind of hot. Typically he's not my type but with that playoff beard...O.M.G. Mike Fisher can save my soul anytime! He's so big and strong, and manly *SWOOOOOON* but I regress, the fact that he's so devout is a bit of a turn off.

Even when I was a gung-ho Christian, as in I was heavily involved in my youth group at church (I know, who knew?), I was always turned off by people who threw the hands in the air and praised the Lord, to me that was disingenuous. I felt being Christian should be who you are, it should come easy, you shouldn't have to fall to the floor convulsing to prove to the world, or God for that matter, that you were a Christian. So the fact that he saw 12:12 on the clock, when he was injured(in exhibit A), and interpreted as a sign from God and quoted Romans 12:12 (because you know it couldn't be any other 12:12 in the bible like say Jeremiah 12:12 'Over all the barren heights in the desert for the sword of the Lord will devour from one end of the land to the other;no one will be safe', ugh enough with the bible quotes its freaking me out) really puts me off. And yet I'm not put off completely.

I find it endearing that Fish is probably one of the only NHL players not to have an STD; that he's really a sweet and genuine guy despite his successes [and millions] at such a young age (see Lohan, Lindsay); and regardless of my issues with the Christian Church, its refreshing to see a young, successful, rich, good looking, guy, whom by all means should be the biggest douche since Sean Avery, so unchanged and still committed to an institution and lifestyle that most his age and in his position would deem 'uncool'.

Mike Fisher??? I APPROVE!!!!

...BUT he still likes Creed and Garth Brooks...meh, I can change that! ONE MORE FAN FOR MASON JENNINGS! Fish would love Mason, I know it! after Mason, comes Johnny Cash and Townes Van Zant and Neko Case!!!!! (I gotta keep it in the realm of country, if I were to suddenly spring the Radio Dept. on him he might run for the hills with his Creed discography).

PS His super pimped out cottage doesn't hurt him either:

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