Thursday, October 25, 2007

Too Cool For School!

I'm doing a lot better this year in terms of keeping up with my readings. I'm a little behind but that's to be expected there's no way I could possibly be on the ball in all of my classes many of which require several readings each week, so I'm a little behind but not at all like I was last year...or so I thought.

For one of my classes I'm a month behind, yes I did say a month! This class' readings has sort of been on the back burner I admit BUT in my defense each week I have to read about three, 50-100 page articles for this class which is all fine and well, except I have other classes AND I have to work. I had originally thought that I was 2 maybe 3 weeks behind in this class but yesterday I went to the library at school looked at the reading schedule, looked at where I was at and..FUCK!

I can't do this again, seriously I can't! today I was supposed to go to my tutorial then shop for my sister's birthday present but I'm skipping both just so I can read the articles (or try to) that need to be read for next class. I figure, there's no point in playing catch up because its a losing game. I'll read the articles I need to read for this week and next week and once that's done (hopefully by sunday/monday) I can read the articles I skipped over.

I love learning, I do but fuck sometimes I really want to tear my hair out and jump off of a building!

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