Tuesday, October 23, 2007

STICKING IT TO THE MAN...via consumerism????

Whoever works in the advertising department at Adidas inc. are fucking geniuses! Don't know if you're familiar with the adicolor campaign but Adidas gave 7 film makers 7 different colours (red,pink,blue,yellow,green,black, white) a bunch of money, and and basically said make a short film on how you react/feel/see this color and the end results are nothing short of brilliant.

What I find particularly interesting is that each film maker basically made a commentary on modern living; consumerism,apathy,indulgence,excessiveness,loss of innocence,human arrogance,sex,the moral dilemma of artificial intelligence, and yet these are essentially commercials for a global corporation. Curious, very curious...non?

Anyways for your viewing pleasure here are all 7 short films. The best ones are Yellow, Black, and Pink; Red is funny but I think you need to find a particular kind of humour; Green is a little bizarre, I had to watch it 3 times to get it; Blue is a street video about the colour which I find amusing; but White I think is the worst one, I just don't get it. Ok yeah, Jenna Jameson is hot in a used up sort of way but what the fuck is it trying to say?









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