Saturday, June 09, 2007

Old Southern Style

I'm going to see the Kings of Leon on Tuesday and I'm extremely excited! Why? well because Caleb Followill(lead singer) is pretty much the man of my dreams: BEAUTIFUL, rich, socially challenged, a weirdo, fucked up, a bit of a perv, an alcoholic, and a rock star, honestly what more could a girl ask for.

HOWEVER unlike many bands that I love, and when I say love, I mean love; I am not staying behind to meet them. Why? because I really love KOL; their music is what plays in my dreams, its the music my children will grow up on (like they way my parents forced my to love Neil Young and Bob Dylan)! and I am not prepared for them to be assholes and to ruin the soundtrack to my life. I mean, yes it is about the music but if you're a bunch of pretentious assholes then I refuse to support you, thus, I've never bought a killer's album in my life nor will I ever (they aren't that great anyway...yea I went there!).

But really Kings of Leon really do make amazing music. Listening to them is like "fuck, my life will never be the same after this" but you know, in a good way. Today the state of music is backwards; back in the day all the great artists/musicians were popular everybody was listening to them or had at least heard of them but today all the greats are underground/indie artists, how that makes sense I don't know BUT the point of this is...Go buy Because of the Times

End scene

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