Saturday, June 23, 2007

Work it out

M.Ward + Kylie Minogue = Best workout soundtrack ever!

Here's the logic:
When running or doing some crazy ass cardio, you need music that makes you want to move, that gives you a beat, that loosens up your muscles and keeps you happy, because I know when doing that last lap of your 5K you definitely need some motivation and who better than a sexed up pixie neo-disco goddess (whoa adjectives galore!) to get those muscles moving and that fat burning!
After running I usually do some stretches and yoga to stretch, and strengthen my muscles, and also to slowly bring my heart rate down; because I learned in high school gym class that when doing physical activity to just come to a dead stop ain't good, so yoga's good for a cool down, enter M.Ward. His music is so soothing, something you'd need for your muscle aches, asthma attacks, and endless sweating.

See it totally fits!

OMG I have a work out regime, ME????? this must be the end!

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