Sunday, June 03, 2007

Go Ninja! Go Ninja! Go Ninja! GO!

This weekend was pretty eventful...eventful in my eyes anyway

Friday Consumerism at its best: I went shopping with my sister and I bought a red dress, two wife beaters, sliver peep toe flats, and a jean skirt.

Saturday Back to the Future:
I went to driving school in the morning; it was mind numbing at best. After Mum and I popped into the store across the street and she spoiled me (because I'm the baby) and bought me this white skirt with lace at the bottom; it reminds me of my all time favourite skirt that got ripped because I loved [wore] it too much. Then my good friend Alice picked me up and we met up with my other friends to go have dinner in a 50s style diner, and dessert which was ice cream in a kitchen sink. After dinner we went' to Deniz's friend's Mark's house because Vivian wanted to go see the dog. He's a such a cutie pie, HUGE and very excitable but a cutie pie nonetheless, too bad I was allergic to him, I was sniffling and had watery eyes until about a few hours ago :(

Sunday, easy like: I slept in till 2:30, had linner, and watched Fast Times At Ridgemont High, and here I sit.

Yep there's just non stop excitement in my life

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