Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Little Eye Candy To Get Us Through The Week

It was our first long weekend of the summer, I had a girls weekend and it was so much fun, we went to the beach (I got burned), we ate delicious food, got drunk, got hit on by Pub managers (he was kind of hot actually), watched fireworks, bought things we couldn't afford, and then I came home today, and realized my mini vacation was over. I'm still pretty bummed so in order to cheer me up here are some photos from our favourite Ospreys' boyfriends Alun Wyn Jones and Tommy Bowe and some Jamie Roberts thrown in for good measure (sorry for the watermarks in advance)

I was getting a little concerned with AWJ (he voluntarily grew an unruly beard a while back) but these photos prove, I have nothing to fear

One of the best things about AWJ is that he rocks his receding hair line, look at this hair cut it works, it totally works! Who is his barber? Gold medal for that dude!

AWJ at his best, classic furrowing of the brow

Look how good his hair cut is! I can't get over it! Some people should take notes!

Ew Mike Phillips. LOL AWJ is wearing loafers, why am I amused by that?

Tommy Bowe and AWJ to double your pleasure. Oh Johnathan Thomas was there too

Here's Jamie Roberts who has seemed to have aged about 10 years since the last time we checked on his manner anyway

Tommy Bowe has no idea what to do and his bow tie is crooked...would we want him any other way? Did you see him on the late late show Irish friends? Took a jab at Carnie, I hear. TELL ME EVERYTHING

Jamie Roberts going for the hottest dad on the block

...oh you know of what I speak! Don't you recall being 13-15, the years when you were a 'babysitter' and there was always that dad whose little brats you took care of and you were totally crushing on him like a fan girl at a backstreet boy concert, cause he was so cute~ and didn't talk to your boobs like boys your own age. That is until you realized that even though he was good looking in a rather generic way, he was totally lame, a complete L 7, and a purveyor of dad jokes which ruined his handsomeness. Well I think I just turned 16. Jamie, are we breaking up?


kate said...

Oh he was such a charmer! I didn't realize he was actually funny! He accused RK of getting his teeth whitened (which is probably true anyway) but it wasn't what he said, it was how he said it........ Funny and incredibly sexy. Oh Tommy!

J.A. Manning said...

so happy i found your blog - i thought i was the only rugby fan in north america! you can watch tommy's episode of the late late show at - my favorite part is when he may or may not refer to the welsh as "sheep shaggers"!

Nicole said...

Kate! Where have you been? Carnie whitening his teeth, I believe it! That Tommy Bowe just gets better and better!

Josie you are my new best friend! I'll be watching it on repeat all night long! Where are you from by the way?

kate said...

I'm sorry, my mothers locked me in my room for the past few weeks, big exams coming up unfortunately :(
I WILL be back tho in the summer! I've got alot to say about a certain disgraceful Irish rugby team :D Tommys a hoot!

J.A. Manning said...

Hope you enjoy it! I'm from the U.S. St. Paul, Minnesota - no one around here knows anything about rugby and they all think I'm crazy. Seriously, your blog is wonderful!

Nicole said...

-Good luck on your exams Kate! Can't wait for your post ;)

-Oh I have, Tommy Bowe, what a babe! Don't worry rugby is a far superior sport than football, you're not crazy! I'm glad you enjoy my posts, however crazy they may be.

kate said...

Wooooooo! More fans!
I'm finished on the 18th of June, but then I'm off to Glastonbury festival so I'll probs post about that when I return! I must say I missed the whole blogging thing, I'm looking forward to returning!