Thursday, May 20, 2010

When Hockey and US Weekly Collide

Hockey and in turn hockey players get shafted all the time in the sports world, probably something about it being a niche market, so I always get a little excited when the NHL and by extension NHL'ers make it into the mainstream news and I get VERY excited when they get involved with celebrity gossip, its like watching that panchi commercial: you don't know what the hell is going on but its so amusing you can't look away! We were lucky guys, we have TWO, that's right TWO gossipy type stories involving NHL'ers...unfortunately though, Sean Avery makes an appearance.

First Up: Henrik Lundqvist is apparently consoling Princess Madeline of Sweden (AKA the hot one) after she found out her fiance had cheated on her with a peasant! She allegedly flew to New York and the two were seen together. Let's be frank, shall we, I think Henrik...well I think their interaction included a lot of crying, a lot of ice cream from serendipity, heavy drinking at bungalow 8, and more crying. Besides Henrik has a long term girlfriend *cough*

Next we have the real gossip, because it involves my train wreck hero Lindsay Lohan. Oh that Lindsay Lohan, what a champ eh? In just 5 short years she was able to drink and snort her 'it girl' $7 million a picture, career away and the best part is (or worst depending on how you look at it) we haven't even seen the worst of it, girlfriend has resorted to making milkshakes and giving exclusive interviews to paparazzi to get attention but she still thinks its 2006, she still thinks she's up there with Scarlett Johansson, and Natalie Portman, and Keira Knightly, oh I could write a thesis paper on the fall of Lindsay Lohan, not going to lie, I loved her in high school, so that's why I'm so fascinated at how she became this dirty bottom feeding desperate d-lister. You know you're life is in shambles when Karl Lagerfeld thinks you live 'so dangerously' that he worries about you...Karl Lagerfeld...worrying....about someone. Damn girl!

ANYWAY, here's the deal, model Jessica Stam who is currently dating New York Rangers' Aaron Varros (why not Brooks Laich, Jess?) who apparently f-cked Lindsay Lohan one time (at this point who hasn't) were all at some club with Sean Avery (seriously Jess, BROOKS LAICH) Lindsay shows up sees them all having a good time, and throws a drink in Jessica's face...can you get get anymore low class than a drink in the face? Like she didn't have the decency to walk away nor did she have the guts to throw down, she took the low class, coward approach and threw a drink in Jessica Stam's face...WOW. Anyway apparently she wanted to sit near the DJ and that's were Jessica, Aaron and Sean Avery were, she tried to get the club organizers to throw them out because she didn't want to sit next to her "ex-boyfriend" (she's one of those girls who if you make out with them even if it was just once you were 'dating') but in the words of Michael K: Bitch couldn't get a dead rat thrown out of a Waffle House. Another embarrassing story to add to Lindsay's already impressive resume of embarrassing stories, oh how the mighty have fallen, should we turn away or should we continue to watch like that panchi commercial????

Managed to reference panchi twice, you know you love it!

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