Friday, April 09, 2010

Stanely Cup Playoffs: Round 1, Western Conference Predictions


The Western Conference teams have officially cemented their playoff berths, so I'm going to do my predictions first for those teams. However before I do, I have to be honest, this season I haven't been watching all 4 sports networks, watching every hockey game that comes on. The last time that I've properly watched a hockey game was the Olympics. Yes that's right, I've been a bad hockey fan but in my defense I've had school till late at night and when I'm not at school till late at night I have work till late at night, so what's a girl to do? Really???

These predictions will be based on the skill of the players and how I think they as a cohesive unit will fare against the other cohesive unit of skilled NHL players.

San Jose v Colorado: Colorado in 5

Ok this is me being a jerk, but come on, its like clockwork with San Jose! They will choke! They're the best team during the regular season and biggest disappointment during the playoffs, why would I waste my time? Mark my words before they playoffs are through we'll see Joe Thornton cry, AGAIN! Moving on...

Chicago v Nashville: Chicago in 5

Still don't get why Nashville is in the Western Conference, geographically they're East but that's NHL expansion for you! ANYWAY Chicago is young and highly skilled, they made it all the way to the Conference finals last year, I think its clear to everyone they're winning this round!

Vancouver v Detroit: Vancouver in 7

Detroit knows how to win. They have a good system and have some of the best players in the NHL on their team. On the other hand, as we all saw with the Olympics, when Luongo is spectacular his team wins. But really, I just want Vancouver and Chicago to keep winning so they'll end up playing each other, and we'll have a repeat of this epicness:

Everyone was fighting...EVERYONE..and if memory serves me the coaches were also going at it. Please in the name of Sidney Crosby, let us have a repeat!

Phoenix v Los Angeles: Los Angeles in 6

Again this is me being a jerk. Phoenix needs to loose and in the midst of their failure realise that they should move their team to Hamilton and why not? If California can have two NHL teams why can't Ontario, CANADA, home of Lord Stanley himself, have three teams???

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