Friday, April 09, 2010

Donnacha the Neanderthal!

Okay kids this is gonna be another one of those pictureless posts, I am really sorry. My computer is just refusing to connect me to the Internet, so bare with me while I post on my iPod.

So todays post is about none other than.... Donnacha O'Callaghan, Professional rugby player, not so professional joker! This probably seems fairly random but while on YouTube I found some great videos of him, well, joking around. I'm sorry I can't post them, but you know the situation. I'm as upset as you are, believe me! So I guess I'll have to do this old skool and give you the names
1. Donnacha meets towelie (the talking towel from southpark, some college student dressed up as him!)

2. The munster cuts trailer. I know this is only a trailer but it's definitely worth a look. How cool is it that he actually agreed to be in some amatuer short film? He really is a cool guy!

3. Donnacha O'Callaghan on Hayes. Donnacha discusses legendary Irish prop John Hayes and his deep love for cows!

4. Munster outtakes. Now, this ones not all about Donnacha but he does feature alot cos he's Munsters resident joker! Getta loada Thomas O'Learys face, absolutely priceless!

If you type Donnacha O'Callaghan into the YouTube search bar, the first video likely to come up is him attempting to play sans shorts. I remember seeing this when it actually happened and I can honestly say it was the funniest moment in rugby I have ever seen. The man is a certified lunatic. If you watch it now it's probably not that funny, it was kinda a 'had to be there moment', plus I would never be so vulgar and perverted......... Hehe

You obviously get the picture, I love me a bitta Donnacha! And how could I not? The saying is true with this guy, "if you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything" He also looks fantastic in a suit (it's his dreamy shoulders, I can't resist a man with shoulders!) I am aware he looks like a caveman (check the title) but it's nice to see a man that has been unaffected by western society, it's not like he plays for Leinster (I admit that was cheap) Donnachas also a mischief maker which I love! On the lions tour he stole Tommy Bowes bed! How does he think of these things? There's also a story that while on tour he bought a lobster, named it, and got it a leash so he could take it for
walks AND HE DID! He's so damn cool! You could probably write a book on him and his many escapades, but until that book is written I'll keep you posted ;-)

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