Monday, April 12, 2010

Big Boi Biniss

Firstly, everyone say thank you to nicole for kindly posting the videos on my last post, 'Twas good of her! And also I'm sorry I'm such a failure and STILL am unable to post some lovely pictures, sorry bout that!

So as the title may suggest, we're finally at the buisness end of the Heineken Cup! It was quite an eventful weekend of rugby with Munster, Leinster, Biarritz and Tolouse progressing to the semi finals.
Here are the scores.........

Munster 33-19 Northampton

Leinster 29-28 Clermont

Stade Francais 16-42 Tolouse

Ospreys 28-29 Biarritz

So there we have it 2 French teams and 2 Irish teams. I must say I felt really sorry for Ospreys and Clermont, to lose out by one point must be absolutely heart breaking espescially at this late stage of the competition. There are two people in particular I feel very sorry for

1) The Clermont kicker. He gave away a ridiculos amount of points because of his poor kicking, and I know most of you are probably saying he should have stepped it up and he let his team down, but can you possibly imagine the amount of pressure he was under, not to mention he was playing away, which of course makes it alot harder. And let me tell you Leinster fans can be cruel at home, they don't show respect for the kicker and usually end up jeering and taunting, and this isn't me being a bitter Munster supporter, it's just the truth. I can't fathom how bad he must have felt the next morning, guilt ridden and possibly with a MASSIVE hangover. Poor guy!

2) Tommy Bowe! How could I not feel bad for him? Have you seen him? Again, they lost out by a point, never a good way to lose. The look on his face when that final whistle blew was one of complete dissapointment. And he, of course wasn't the only one. The whole team were almost in tears, I had to change the channel, too much sadness and dissapointment on one channel. Well at least he's still got his player of the year award and as one reader put so accurately "his body carved by the gods!"

To be honest my heartbreak didn't last very long as Munster beat Northampton, but I have to hand it to Northampton, they gave us a good match for such a young team (their captain, Dylan Hartley, is only 24 and bares an uncanny resemblense to Matthew Followill of KOL!) Munster have been in 9 semi finals of the H-Cup, so any team would have trouble with a team with that amount of experiance. Leinster had a narrow and VERY dodgy win over Clermont, if it wasn't for their kicker having an off night they would've been trashed (I'm sorry there's so much Leinster bashing, it's been bred into since the day I was born, blame my dad)

I have faith the two Irish teams will play in the final, although I hope Leinster don't progress. This is harsh I know, but I don't know if I can handle the worry of another Leinster v Munster game, they're just too stressful for me, especially a game of that magnitude! Okay, I admit it, I'm terrified of Leinster beating us (if both teams even get that far) but I don't think I could physically handle it if they beat us in the final, it would genuinely be the most humiliating thing in Munsters history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is very weird, I was just thinking about the Hartley/M Followill similarity today.

Brill posts :)