Well My delinquent little brother made it onto TMZ.com for all the wrong reasons.
Apparently Mike Komisarek punched some girl in the face, after she slapped him, after he picked her up and refused to put her down. The Leafs have instructed him to say nothing, the league has made no comment, and there has been not further news on this story besides the initial report. I, however am inclined to side with the girl. Entitlement is rife within professional sports, stories like this are becoming all to common, it seems as soon as their salary goes up, so does their douchiness.
Also, I'm assuming many of you have been in a club, where somehow sexual harassment is normalized, where guys can just grab whatever they want, jab their boners wherever they want, and its all okay but if you were to object to some guy reaching up your skirt, you're at bitch or a c*nt, and this is the mentality of regular normal everyday guys!!! Imagine adding fame, fortune, and entitlement!
Mike Komisarek is 6'4, 200 some pounds, he's a defenceman which means its his job to be physical and rough up other players, imagine being picked up by that against your will (alcohol mostly likely was consumed) and him refusing to let you go, how helpless would you feel? What would you do? Would you not try to defend yourself in some way?
I suppose there's that whole innocent until proven guilty bit but if we're thinking critically...come on now, we all know what the truth is.
The Harold Ballard Curse tightens its grip once again.
I love it when you post pictures of pretty boys, but I love it even more when you spot Wrong, grab it by the scruff of the neck and then show it who's boss.
Keep typing truth to power.
WOW! Thank you! I appreciate your support.
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