Monday, October 19, 2009

Rick Nash Video of the Day

...okay, Jared Boll was there too...and Mike Commodore...and Derick Brassard...and Steve Mason.

I'm liking this idea very, GQ! Although I object to Steve Mason, he's not hot at all, not even ugly hot like Mike Commodore, just not hot.

Haha, I love how Brassard was the only one interested in the finished product, 'did they get my good side?' the rest of them were like 'are we done? Sweet! Let's go online and play call of duty'

This video is iron clad proof that outside of hockey, beer, and video games hockey players don't know anything, did you see their reactions? They stared at the calendar like for 10 minutes, as if they didn't understand what it was, oh boys!

PS I need this calendar in my life!

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