Now, if you haven't noticed, I love me some Tom Croft but even I can admit he doesn't really have style, let's see what the man himself says:
Finding clothes to fit is a problem - I'm very tall and wide. My 'go to' is a pair of Gant chinos and a Crew shirt. If I want to make an effort, I reach for my Boss suit. I once bought a pair of T-shirts, one silver and one gold. They were an impulse buy that crashed and burned. I wore them once and got shot down by the guys so I never dared get them out again. And as for styling... well, I get my hair cut about once a year.
So basically his style is very average, very undefined, which is where he should stay because when he tries (the silver and gold t-shirts) its just not a good thing but what IS a good thing is that he cuts his hair once a year because we all know his hair just ain't what it used to be...now we just need him to stop using gel, then we're golden!
PS Jordan Crane seems to be in his element, non? LOL
Thanks Micah xo
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