Monday, June 01, 2009

This is a Tom Croft Lions Post, NOT a "Hi we just lost two in a row to a team we could've beat but didn't because we played like rubbish"


...OH you heard me Crosby!

In light of recent developments concerning the Stanley Cup Final, I find myself tending my emotional wounds. No matter that I had them pegged for the win. No matter that I predicted they would take this series and win the Cup. My dearest Pens have let me down.

I will not go into how they shouldn't be so awe struck by the Red Wings or how they should know their style of play by now, and know how to beat them, having been in this exact same set up last year; especially since Pavel Datsyuk, arguably their best player, is not in the Red Wings' line up. No, I won't go into that.

And no its no consolation at all to know that this time last year they had yet to register a single goal against the Red Wings, because as it stands today they've only scored 2 goals versus The Wings' 6. Yes they've scored 3 times as many goals as the Penguins, so we can't really call this an improvment on last year, can we? But like I said, I won't go into that.

Instead we're going to travel to a magical place full of buff men, tight shorts, and cauliflower ears. Yes this is a Tom Croft post! Tom and Harry Ellis sat out the first game, something about resting after the Heineken Cup final. The Lions won their first game and despite a 37-25 victory, apparently they were not happy with the way they played and Paul O'Connell has been replaced by his Irish National teammated Brian O'Driscoll, as captain.

Whatevs, the point is Tom's playing in the next game on Wednesday, and since this is a huge deal there was a press conference and pictures...but more importantly, there were pictures! So, to brighten my life, on a rather drab and depressing day is A TOM CROFT PICTURE POST!!! Oh how we love these!

Journalist: We have it on good authority that you and Delon Armitage have been or are romantically involved, any comment?
Tom: I make it a point not to talk about my personal life. I'm here for Rugby and that's all but I will say this, Delon is a nice bloke and I'm very happy

I can never tell with these shots sometimes, is he catching or passing?!!?!?!

I would just like to comment on their shorts. If they didn't want me to fetishize and sexualize their players they would not a) make them wear such short shorts and b) have a design that emphasizes their asses...I'm just saying

Why hello there!

I love that he's hooked is thumb in his shorts. He doesn't have any pockets, why is he doing this? Oh Tom have we been studying the sears catalouge?

Blue Steel!

Look at this? Who wouldn't want this? Big, muscular, goofy, Croft! I think it may be time to assemble girls, and attack before some skank does!


Don't you feel better? I know I do!

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