Monday, June 29, 2009

Battle Royale: Bokks vs Lions

...and in a shocking turn of events the Springboks won, who knew? (sarcasm)

The second test between the Lions and the World Champs was brutal; nail biting; it was EPIC! There was eye-gouging, questionable calls, separated shoulders, concussions, burly brawls, heartbreak and victory. It was all out, in your face rugby and in classic South African form, they took the Lions to task...and went overboard. I'm looking at you Schalk Burger and you too Bakkies Botha. Yes the ugliness of my countrymen's names go along with their faces (OH SNAP), hey I'm only speaking the truth, here!

Were my countrymen, arrogant? overly aggressive? reckless? not as good looking? Yes, yes they were but we're the world champs and before the first Test had not played together for nearly 9 months, so I'd say that the arrogance is somewhat justified...OK yea I'm biased, what do you want from me? But from an objective standpoint the Lions should have had this one, there is just no excuse for their loss, I mean 28-25? I'm sorry boys but that's just unacceptable

To go along with such an Epic game, an Epic Picture Post (naturally, Tom Croft dominates this post):

Tom: Wow he wasn't this ugly from afar

Tom: he didn't look like big, either

Tom: You're so ugly that when you were born the doctor slapped your mom!

Tom: hey Bakkies, how old are you? Oh sorry I forgot you can't count that high!

Bakkies: I'm not done with you yet, sweet cheeks!
Tom: That's what I said to your mom last night!

Tom: Hey sweetheart, were you always this stupid or are you making a special effort for me?

Tom winning the line out

I see a slight bulge...

Reverse angle

This photo is hilarious

Well, well, well,this quite the homo questionable photo of the day, mmmm.

Knock him down!

LOL...I am a pervert, that is all

If you're wondering how much Simon Shaw weights, the look on Tom's face gives it away

Luke Fitzgerald's support shorts pop out to say hello!

Tom this is no time for your missionary work!

Er, hey guys, there is a springbok running away with the ball

If you don't know why I posted this photo, then you have no business reading my blog


MMM man pile!

My heart bleeds for Ronan O'Gara, and I'm being totally serious. He knows what's up, you don't need to massacre him. Chin up O'Gara!

Boys, boys, boys, save it for the shower ;)

Heartbreak :'(

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce Francois Styen (left), be nice, he's our best looking player, and there's been a lack of those in South African rugby for a while now, so please don't ruin is face too much

Apparently the Lions use Kegel exercises as a coping method

Is this photo entirely necessary? Save it for Test no. 3!

Springboks can fly!

You know boys. We don't need to tell you. Now go have a group shower and talk about your feelings.

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