Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jarret Stoll Gets Cold Feet

The LA King's centre has split with Rachel Hunter, and I'm not exactly broken up about it. AND it has nothing to do with the fact that I find Jarret Stoll incredibly attractive or because of the all the love letters I send him, heh.

But I digress, can't say I didn't see this coming. Rachel Hunter is hot, and seems nice enough but she used to date Sean Avery when, strangely enough, he played for the LA Kings, so its hard for me to care about her feelings. Sorry Rachel but you dug your own grave.

Obviously we don't know the whole story, all I can figure is, Stoll looked in the mirror one day and realized he was about to be married to Rod Stewart's ex-wife, Sean Avery's ex-girlfriend AND he was about to become the step father of two teenaged children, one of whom is only 10 years his junior.

He's only 27 years old, he probably wants to have fun, enjoy being young, rich, and hot and if he married Rachel Hunter, well I don't want to say his life would be over because that's not the case, but think about it: you're 27 years old, have enough money to enjoy the finer things in life would you want to give that up to live the life of someone in their mid to late thirties? AND be the main father figure to two children who aren't that much younger than yourself and in fact you are closer in age to the eldest child than you are to his mother? I don't think so!

I'm not saying that older women cannot date younger me, or vice versa, all I'm saying is, is that you need to be on the same page. Can you see Jarret Stoll being on the PTA; going to high school graduations, and giving 'the talk' before prom night?

At least he had the decency to do it before the wedding. And no he's not a jerk, he's from Saskatchewan:

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