Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Tom Croft Victory Post

Tom and the boys have won the Guinness Premiership, WHUT! WHUT! They defeated the London Irish by a socre of 10-9, oooo close game! So in honour of their victory, yea you guessed it, A TOM CROFT PICTURE POST, enjoy!

~*training hard*~

~*training harder*~

~*male modeling*~
hey Tom , are you just going to stand there and watch?

...ok, if you insist! *sigh*

ooo Man love! Please don't stop!



Golden Showers!
PS look who's tucked away in the corner on the bottom left, Tom and Matt, together forever! <3
OMG Tom's face! Kinda scary...kinda hot...kinda funny

lovers best mates

Jordan Crane would really benefit from a longer hair cut...just sayin'
PS Look at Tom's smile, who would not want to come home to that everyday? This is why we are eternally jealous of Matt Smith, that bitch!

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