Sunday, May 17, 2009

Its Playoff Time Suckas: Conference Finals

Eastern Conference

Carolina vs Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh in Seven

Expect the Staal vs Staal angle thrown at you every which way. Eric is the better Staal but Jordan has the better team. This is going to seven games because Carolina just won't quit, they really want this...who knew? However, Pittsburgh is a better and more complete team. I see them taking this series and going to the Cup finals...again!

Western Conference

Chicago vs Detroit: Detroit in Six

*sigh* Must Detroit teach this lesson again? Chicago has surprised us all with their skill. I'm honestly shocked that they've made it this far. I would have never guessed they could be this good. However, I see them losing the first game, winning the second, getting cocky and then Detroit will destroy them! How do I know this? Well for starters Byfuglien draws too many stupid penalties; give Detroit a power play and they'll score. Secondly Patrick Kane is in love with himself, I don't know how that fits in there but I just want to throw that out and make it known that I don't approve Patrick, not at all!

Conference finals start Sunday, are you ready?

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