Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I know I said that I wanted to move into a different direction with this blog, more normality, less gossipy but this is too good for me not to acknowledge. This stank mess is too multifaceted for me not to pick apart, but more importantly it just goes to show you all, the true danger and destruction that results from 'the highly contagious, bleeding from every orifice, Paris Hilton disease'. Let's get to it!

First things first, I'm a masochist, ok? If I hate something or if something scares/disgusts me, I will google it, I will seek it out on youtube and I will watch National Geographic specials on it (see snakes). So in light Tommy boy's success I decided to see what James Haskell and his mouth were up to and what I found was complete and utter trashy amazingness! From The Sun no less (in every country, where there is one, The Sun newspaper is synonymous with knee jerk ignorant opinions on politics, naked trash, lazy sports reporting, and tabloidy stories)

So apparently James and his mouth were dumped by his girlfriend of 5 years for some Euro-cheese tennis instructor. Naturally, James and his mouth were upset, and let loose on Euro-cheese over facebook and those messages somehow, magically, got into the inbox of some Sun reporter who decided to make a scandal out of it.

Despite my obvious disdain of James and his mouth I do feel quite badly for him. Honestly, say you're boyfriend or girlfriend of 5 years dumps you and then a week later starts dating their tennis instructor, how would you react?

For me personally, I was brought up with class and empathy for my fellow brothers and sisters out there, and if I had been with a person that long (we could assume that the relationship was serious), no matter what was the reason for the break-up, I would have enough respect for that person and myself (because who wants to look like a skank and who wants to deal with a rebound) to have an appropriate grace period. Apparently its 1 month for every year you've been together, and for that reason and the rank stank of famewhore, my heart does ache a little for James and his mouth.

Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware that there is a lot we don't know and I'm usually on the side of a fellow female because men have been holding us down for far too long and we need to be united against this testosterone tyranny BUT this 'story' has desperation written all over it.

Why? Let's break it down:

a)his ex was on Paris Hilton's British Best Friend (UGH WHY?), which I think we can all agree says a lot about a person's character
b)homegirl started dating Euro cheese a week after breaking up with her boyfriend of 5 years, TACKY
c)how did The Sun get their hands on those messages, again?
d)homegirl is apparently a model but we've never heard of her, nor has anyone else (all pictures of her and James had the caption 'James Haskell and guest') even though her claim to fame is being on a reality television show, which I understand in the UK gets you modeling contracts, work out DVDs, a fragrance line, and if that doesn't work the ole being embroiled in a SCANDAL can always bring your tacky ass fame and fortune
e) and the most damning of evidence: she actually spoke to The Sun. As in she gave them an interview. Who the f*ck does that? You're answer to everything is 'no comment' or if you're in particularly testy mood 'I won't justify that question with an answer'...unless of course you're looking for fame because, The Sun is a bottom feeding newspaper, they're not there for news they're there for scandal and salaciousness. Journalistic integrity is never present.

AND what's accompanied by said interview? 'Candids' of the ex and her Euro cheese. mmhm.


I'm all for feminism and sisterhood and sh*t but I have NO tolerance for famewhoring which is exactly what this girl is doing. Honestly, what other conclusion could one draw when this girl competed on a reality television show to be best friends with the mutated form of Ebola, Paris Hilton.

This says a lot coming from a girl who doesn't even like Haskell and his mouth. Damn you, for making me Team Haskell. Do you only think of yourself? I have irrational hatred and disgust to maintain, ok? This world isn't always about you! Jesus!

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