Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Tom Croft Post

And this time its with words! This interview is from Rugby for the Girls. I must say though I wish his interview were longer like Jordan Crane's, oh well at least we now know which fast food he prefers

1)Why do you love Rugby?

Good atmosphere and spending time with mates

2)Do you see yourself as a celebrity?


3)Do you have a big female fan-base?

Not found me yet (oh don't you worry, we will)

4)What's your favourite food?

Roast Lamb with all the trimmings

5)What do you do to get rid of nerves before a match?

I like having nerves. It gets you prepared.

6)Where do you call home?

Kingsclere, Berkshire

7)Did you ever play football (soccer)?

Up until I was 11 until the local team folded

8)What is your club nickname & why?

Yog (errr...)

9)Are you superstitious?

I always start with right foot

10)What's your favourite car?

Got to be an Aston Martin

11)What is your favourite TV programme?

The F-Word

Comedy or action? Comedy
Sean Connery or Roger Moore? Roger Moore (um wrong answer!)
Books or films? Films
Beer or spirits? Beer
Fast food or health eating? Healthy eating
Kylie or Britney? Kylie (YEY KYLIE)
The Simpsons or South Park? Simpsons
Night in or night out? Night in
Kate Moss or Jordan? Jordan
McDonald's or Burger King? Burger King
Bon Jovi or U2? Bon Jovi
The Godfather or Shawshank Redemption? Shawshank
Lager or Bitter? Lager
Beyoncé or J-Lo? J-Lo (OMG what a coincidence my mother's favourite actress is J-LO, SOULMATES)
Blonde or Brunette? Both (hmmm very telling)
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter

So Tom, how did you feel about your debut for England?

The first game for England was really scary but I now feel part of team, now that I am not quite such a new boy. It is an amazing feeling to wear an England shirt.

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