Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Sidney Crosby Doesn't Like Hats

Did you watch the game last night? I did! It was pretty amazing! This series is living up to all the hype (Gary Bettman is currently wetting himself). Crosby and Ovechkin were both fantastic last night, both leading their teams, both showing bitches how its done and both got hat tricks.

Hat tricks you say?

After Ovie's third goal, the Caps fans went nuts, and deservedly so! Its Hockey tradition that whenever a player on the home team gets his hat trick, whoever is willing to part with their hat, will toss their chapeau onto the ice. Sidney Crosby apparently took exception to the amount of and the length at which Caps fans tossed their hats, so he went to talk to the ref...again:

"People kept throwing hats. I was just asking if he could make an announcement to ask them to stop. I mean, the first wave came and then I think they were all pretty much picked up, and then more started coming. So for us, we just wanted to make sure we kept kind of moving and kept the game going, wanted to try to get back in it. So wasn't complaining about anything."


Not complaining, eh? Really? Methinks you were!

Riddle me this: If this were in Pittsburgh. If it were Crosby who scored that goal. If the hats being thrown down were in celebration of his hat trick, do you think Chris Clark (Washington's captain, if you weren't paying attention) would skate up to the ref and ask that they make an announcement? I don't think so!

Suck it up Crosby! Its the playoffs! That game was on fire! Washinton played better than your team! The fans knew it, Washington knew it, and you knew it! Pull up them socks and deliver us a win! We don't need your bitching and complaining, we need wins!

That is all!


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