Friday, May 01, 2009



For a while now I've been feeling as if this blog is getting a little...ridiculous? I suppose it didn't help that I had no idea what the hell this blog was going to be about when I started it. Even when I did kind of figure it out, it really wasn't about anything in particular. I've just been having random rants about anything and everything.

So I've decided to make this an interest blog, which means I'll write about movies I've seen, music I like, food I eat, sports teams I support. One could argue that this is what my blog is currently about BUT I want to go in the direction of less psychotic overtones which, is how Death of a Trend currently stands.

At first It was funny (to me anyways) to have pretend boyfriends and pretend best friends but it has gotten a little out of control (in my opinion) and the last thing I want to do is appear to be delusional and pathetic firstly because I'm not, and secondly because this blog is definitely going in that direction.

So I'm removing the snark(for the most part) and the fan girl overtones that have taken over this blog. I had toyed with the idea of deleting all my posts but I decided against it because a)I worked hard on some of these posts, especially when it called for my limited html skills, and b) it will be like reading the diary you had when you were 12 years old, hilarious and ridiculous!

Death of a Trend will be my interest blog and Dark Vaudeville (which is underused) will be my personal blog.


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