Thursday, April 30, 2009

Second Hand Embarrassment Alert!

So Thom Evans, a Scotland Rugby national, has quite the embarrassing past: he was in a boy band! A cheesy, terrible boy band...with low budget videos. Now guys this is what we call a deal breaker. Not that Thom Evans ever tickled my fancy but now he NEVER will!

I'm so embarrassed for him! This is worse than Tom Croft's dance crew! This is worse than the penguins car commercial because at least Talbot and the boys were trying to be funny. Twen2y4Se7en were serious, they were dead serious. Hope his friends never let him forget this shit!

OH.MY.GOD. The tortured looks AND they're singing in the rain, ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! And do they even know how to play those instruments? The drummer's struggling there.

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