Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Um That's Not Me!

In the words of Michael K over at Dlisted: Who's that trick?

Looks like our boyfriend Tom Croft is cheating on us with some skeeze.

Yea, I know who she is. Why she's infamous but do we really care? Do we really want to feed the beast that is useless UK famewhore? I think not. Plus this is the least passionate kiss, like ever. This is how I kiss my friends when we have drunken 'photo shoots', its a 'lets give each other a peck on the lips for the camera to be cute pic'. Can you detect sexual chemistry, because I can't...yes I'm being objective!

Besides, my friends, this is not a girl who you take home to your mother, this is not a girl you make your girlfriend. This is a girl you fuck in a washroom stall. This is a girl you can share with your friends. This girl is not, The Girl.


However, Thomas, if we see you with this trick again, you're out of the running! At least Rick Nash would never get caught doing this to us do this to us! He's a gentlemen and he's a spokesman for under armour and he drives a pick-up truck! what have you ever done with your life?

Wow apparently its Rugby Gossip Day here on Death of a Trend, UGH CAN THE PLAYOFFS START ALREADY?!?!?!?!?????????


rara31286 said...

I feel really stupid, but eurgh who the hell is she?

Nicole said...

Oh God! I want to tell you but she's honestly not worth the text. But for the record that's not his gf. Not sure if he has one or not but that's not her. If you really want to know google 'irish army poster girl' and you'll get your answer.

rara31286 said...

Oh God, I have never even heard of her before!
Your research skills impress me :)
As does your love of all things Croft, and hate of all things Haskell.
I hope he has no girlfriend, it would make me feel better after having a good perv at his bum last Saturday!!!

Nicole said...

It was an accident really. I was at work, bored, and I googled him and then that story popped up. I may be a stalker but not that much of a stalker, lol.
Don't worry about perving on Croft, a wise friend once told me 'girlfriends are speed bumps not stop signs';)
And yes Haskell's an arrogant prick, there I said it!

rara31286 said...

That is brilliant!
I look forward to having a good look again in the Final this Saturday.
There is nothing harsh enough to say about Haskell, I really can not stand him!
I didn't think you were a stalker, I had seen the picture before but had never seen that story.
That woman looks a bit skag nasty, I hope Croft was drunk to even entertain the idea of that picture.

Nicole said...

Are you going to the game? If so I'm jealous!
Whenever I see Haskell I have a physical reaction, I gag, I wince! I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I was under the impression he was a rugby golden boy.
She is pretty vile and quite stupid too, I don't know if he was drunk but let's just say that he was! He was slurring his words, could barely stand and she tricked him!
There I feel much better!

rara31286 said...

I'm not going on Saturday, but I did go to the Premiership Semi Final last Sat and the Heineken Cup Quarter Final, unfortunately not the good game with the penalty shoot out thing.
If Haskell is a rugby golden boy, then it is self proclaimed, because I have the same reaction. But for a while he was everywhere, he has kind of dropped off the radar now, thank god!
I am convinced she drugged him... or paid him... he was not fully willing, he can't have been *shudder*

Nicole said...

Ugh that's good news about Haskell but its probably because he decided to play in France. The media probably doesn't want to be up his ass anymore because he's a 'traitor'

I hope not. She's not that good looking and I'm saying that without any bias. If I just saw her walking down the street I'd think was kind of gross. But hey you never know she could have a really nice personality...lol