Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Check out the new video from Depeche Mode's first single off of their new album...whoa lots of adjectives in that statement, lol.

How good is this song? I mean its new, its fresh, its progressive and yet still very Depeche Mode (are we taking notes King of Leon?). DM may not be on your radio, the videos may not be played on...whatever channel still plays music videos but you can be damn sure they'll sell out the biggest stadium in your town in a heartbeat.

In my unbiased opinion, DM is one of the greatest bands of the late 20th century. A loaded statement yes but these boys have gone from new wave underground to top of the pops to ODing in LA and yet they still regularly produce amazing music, sell out stadiums, and remain faithful to their loyal fanbase.

So you see it is possible to have your cake and eat it too, right Caleb?

Have they ever won a Grammy? Well Britney Spears has won a Grammy, shows how legit they are!

Anything with synths and an electronic feel you can thank DM for...Oh your welcome!

Note on the video: Is that video not the most disturbing video since Unkle's Rabbit in Your Headlights? Fuck me, it scared the living daylights out of me!

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