Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Its Playoff Time, Suckas!

Yes I was a loser last night and I flicked between CBC's and TSN's playoff preview. What? Its Canada, all hockey fans were watching last night, with a beer in our hand, and in our team's jersey, this is how we do in the Great White North.

Kelley Hrudey is my favourite! And love how Elliott Friedman was all srs bznz "I was acosted by several Bruins fans", am I the only one that found that funny?

Since the playoffs officially start TODAY, WOOT! WOOT! I think its time I make my real, for realz predictions!

Western Conference
Boston vs Montreal: Boston in Six

Washington vs New York: Washington in Six

New Jersey vs Carolina: New Jersey in Seven

Pittsburgh vs Philadelphia: Pittsburgh in Six

Eastern Conference

San Jose vs Anaheim: San Jose in Six

Detroit vs Columbus: Detroit in Five (wah)

Vancouver vs St Louis: Vancouver in Six

Chicago vs Calgary: Chicago in Six

I get so tired thinking about how many games these boys will have to play in such a short period of time and in such an intense way.

I think this year's playoff run will be very entertaining, we have many rivalries, many new faces, and many superstars, and 3 Staals! How exciting! And tonight its husband no 6 vs arch rivals Philidelphia! ooo its gonna be good! I'm not going any where tonight!

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