Friday, April 10, 2009

Quote of the Day, Here we go Again


Will it ever end? I suppose not, you put something up on a pedestal (justified or not) and people will work to knock it down (justified or not). I see both sides of the story here, that's why I can't really disagree or agree wholeheartedly. What am I talking about? Why the whole 'Crosby is a whiner/diver/baby/etc. argument. Yea I know, not again.

Remember his hit on Ballard? Well David Booth (coach of Florida Panthers) wasn't down with him starting a fight over a clean hit, and took a swipe at Hockey Jesus:

"At least (Crosby) challenged him and didn't sucker him like he did McLean the last time. That was kind of cool."


This smack talking through the media is not new we've seen it here, here, here, oh and here.

Like I said I can see both sides. Let's be honest, would so many different people, be making similar comments about Crosby were they not based in truth? Conversely would anyone really care about Crosby's 'antics' if he wasn't tapped as the NHL's second coming/face of the league?

The answer to both of those questions is, NO. No matter what side of the fence you stand on you cannot deny those facts!

We will tug of war this issue till he retires...and in Canada, beyond

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